Gesture Options

Every gestures can be configured with different options.

Some options are generic and some are specific to gestures.

Those distinctions are described on their gesture pages.


Depending on whether you use gesture-specific hooks, useGesture hook or Directives, you'll need to structure the config options object differently.

    <div v-drag="dragHandler" :drag-options="dragOptions">

<script setup>
// When you use a gesture-specific hook
useDrag(state => doSomething(state), { ...genericOptions, ...dragOptions })

// When you use the useGesture hook
useGesture(state => doSomething(state), {
  // Global options such as `domTarget`
  // Gesture specific options
  drag:   dragOptions,
  wheel:  wheelOptions,
  pinch:  pinchOptions,
  scroll: scrollOptions,
  wheel:  wheelOptions,
  hover:  hoverOptions,

// When you use gesture-specific directive
const dragOptions = { ...genericOptions, ...dragOptions }

const dragHandler = (gestureState) => doSomething(gestureState)

Generic Options


Lets you specify a DOM Element or Vue Component ref() you want to attach the gesture to.

This is pre-filled when using directives, you don't have to specify that option.

  • Default: undefined


When capture is set to true, events will be captured.

passive sets whether events are passive.

  • Default: { capture: false, passive: true }


Lets you specify which window element the gesture should bind events to.

Only relevant for the drag gesture.

  • Default: window


When set to false none of your handlers will be fired.

  • Default: true


The initial position movement should start from.

  • Default: [0, 0]


Threshold is the minimum displacement the gesture movement needs to travel before your handler is fired.

  • Default: [0, 0]


Forces the handler to fire even for non intentional displacement (ignores the threshold).

In that case, the intentional attribute from state will remain false until the threshold is reached.

XY Options

Note that xy gestures refers to coordinates-based gesture:

Additionals options specific to drag and pinch are described on their respective pages.


Axis makes it easy to constraint the user gesture to a specific axis.

  • Accepts: x, y, undefined

  • Default: undefined


Lock direction allows you to lock the movement of the gesture once a direction has been detected.

  • Default: false


Bounds option will constraint the user gesture.

Both the gesture movement and offset will be clamped to the specified bounds.

  • Accepts:

    1. Bounds: { top?: number, bottom?: number, left?: number, right?: number }
    2. (gestureState) => Bounds
  • Default: { top: -Infinity, bottom: Infinity, left: -Infinity, right: Infinity }


When interacting with canvas objects, dealing with space coordinates that are not measured in pixels can be hard.

Note that bounds or initial values are expected to be expressed in the new space coordinates.

Only threshold always refers to screen pixel values.

  • Accepts: (xy: Vector2) => Vector2

  • Default: undefined