Gesture State

Every time a gesture handler is called, it will get passed a gesture state that includes the source event and adds multiple attributes such as velocity, previous value, and much more.

States structure doesn't vary much across different gestures, the only distinction comes from usePinch and useDrag.

Those distinctions are described on their gesture pages.


With the exception of xy and vxvy, all the attributes below are common to all gestures.

useXXXX((state) => {
  const {
    event, // the source event
    xy, // [x,y] values (pointer position or scroll offset)
    vxvy, // momentum of the gesture per axis
    previous, // previous xy
    initial, // xy value when the gesture started
    intentional, // is the movement intentional -- new in v8
    movement, // last gesture offset (xy - initial)
    delta, // movement delta (movement - previous movement)
    offset, // offset since the first gesture
    lastOffset, // offset when the last gesture started
    velocity, // absolute velocity of the gesture
    distance, // offset distance
    direction, // direction per axis
    startTime, // gesture start time
    elapsedTime, // gesture elapsed time
    timeStamp, // timestamp of the event
    first, // true when it's the first event
    last, // true when it's the last event
    active, // true when the gesture is active
    memo, // value returned by your handler on its previous run
    cancel, // function you can call to interrupt some gestures
    canceled, // whether the gesture was canceled (drag and pinch)
    down, // true when a mouse button or touch is down
    buttons, // number of buttons pressed
    touches, // number of fingers touching the screen
    args, // arguments you passed to bind
    ctrlKey, // true when control key is pressed
    altKey, // "      "  alt     "      "
    shiftKey, // "      "  shift   "      "
    metaKey, // "      "  meta    "      "
    locked, // whether document.pointerLockElement is set
    dragging, // is the component currently being dragged
    moving, // "              "              "  moved
    scrolling, // "              "              "  scrolled
    wheeling, // "              "              "  wheeled
    pinching, // "              "              "  pinched
  } = state