Pinch the box.
Works best on touch devices, or using a laptop trackpad.
<!-- Directive usage -->
<div ref="demo" v-pinch="pinchHandler" />
<script setup>
const demo = ref()
// Find more about `set()` on the "Motion Integration" page
const pinchHandler = ({ offset: [d, a], pinching }) => {
set({ zoom: d, rotateZ: a })
// Composable usage
usePinch(pinchHandler, {
domTarget: demoBox,
eventOptions: {
passive: true,
In addition to regular Gesture Options, the pinch gesture adds few attributes.
usePinch((state) => {
const {
da, // [d,a] absolute distance and angle of the two pointers
vdva, // momentum of the gesture of distance and rotation
origin, // coordinates of the center between the two touch event
} = state
Limits the distance for movement
and offset
to the specified bounds.
Limits the angle for movement
and offset
to the specified bounds.